Thursday, February 5, 2009

attack of the tidy bug!

A few days ago I got a tidy bug up my arse and decided to not only fold and put away all of our laundry but also organize my makeshift vanity. (My 'vanity' is actually our chest of drawers. There was nowhere else to put it where the cats wouldn't bother it so I "suffer" and stand whilst doing my makeup. Oh humanity!!! :P)

When I first started collecting eyeshadows and other various cosmetics I bought two of those Rubbermaid 3-drawer dealies to organize my makeup. And the drawers were organized for the most part; it was the surrounding area that was a disaster. I didn't have an empty drawer to store all of my brushes so they were strewn about precariously. I was constantly knocking stuff to the floor, etc. So I went out and found some cheap storage at Walmart in the form of cute Valentine's themed buckets (one I bought, one I got as a gift a couple of years ago from the girls at work) and a little votive holder.

Hooray for no more mess! It's too bad I didn't think to take a 'before' picture. :P